You can use different FTP accounts to administer your web content if you’ve got several sites within one and the same web hosting account. You can give different persons access only to particular directories, for instance – web designers or IT experts from the company, and be certain that they won’t be able to access any other files or anything else in the web hosting account, since the FTP accounts have restricted access. Also, you can create and manage a number of different sites at the same time with a website building app such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage (since these applications use FTP to connect to the server) and upload the site files both when you create them and when you modify them. A crucial part of doing these tasks is the option to create and administer your FTP accounts quickly and seamlessly.

FTP Manager in Cloud Web Hosting

When you you open a cloud web hosting account with our company, you will be provided with access to the extremely powerful FTP Manager, that’s part of our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The tool offers a number of different options, apart from the possibility to create or remove FTP accounts. You will be able to check the access path for each account and by clicking it, you can alter it so that the account in question will access a separate folder. Auto-configuration files can be downloaded as well, so you won’t need to configure anything manually – you can simply download the specific file for Core FTP, CyberDuck or FileZilla and run it on your personal computer. To make the management itself easier, the FTP Manager will allow you to see all the FTP accounts that you’ve created in alphabetical order, based on either the access path or the username.

FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated server plans come bundled with the functionality-packed Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which contains our FTP Manager tool. It will offer you all the features that you may require in order to administer your FTP accounts with ease from a single location. It takes one single mouse click to set up or to remove an account and, with 2 more mouse clicks, you can change the folder that can be accessed with this account. In case you create lots of FTP accounts, you can select how many of them will be displayed on one page and if they should be listed in ascending or descending order on the basis of their usernames and access paths. Downloadable auto-config files will allow you to configure an application such as FileZilla or Core FTP to access any of your FTP accounts without the need to do anything manually.